Finally, choose whether you want to Run Speech Recognition at start-up.From the Steam settings page click on the Voice tab at the top to access your microphone settings. Mac users will need to choose Steam and then Preferences from the applications menu at the top of the screen.
#Test microphone on mac for steam windows 10
If you select voice activation, Windows 10 will listen for your Start Listening command before activating. This can be done from the Steam client by clicking on the button labelled Steam and then choosing Settings from the drop down menu. If you don’t see a blue line moving left and right, it’s possible that the microphone isn’t being properly recognized by Windows or that it. If all is well, you’ll see a blue bar on the Input Volume slider jiggle left and right as you talk.
#Test microphone on mac for steam manual
If you select manual activation, you must manually switch on speech recognition whenever you want to use it. Click the Start Test button, and then speak at a normal volume into your microphone. No matter the settings of steam overlay microphone test, the game seems to use your default audio in device specified in pavu. kon14: I use my mic as input stream for both steam CS:GO and teamspeak3.