The album, however, was eventually Vindicated by History (among fans, at least - critics loved it from the beginning), and it's now widely seen as one of the best hip-hop albums of the decade. It received more critical acclaim than 808s & Heartbreak but the general public was divided on its industrial influences, with some unfavorably comparing it to Death Grips. It's also credited with setting the course for hip-hop during the late-00's and early-10's, with many rappers adopting a similar R&B/hip-hop mix and synth-heavy sound. Nonetheless, it gradually rose in esteem, to the point where it's now considered a fan favorite.

808s & Heartbreak was praised by many critics (even appearing on many "Best of 2008" lists) but garnered a mixed reception from fans, who took issue with the album's heavily processed/mechanical sound and Kanye's subpar singing.Critical Dissonance: He's ended up on both sides of the critic/audience disparity several times:.Others find that it suffers from being shallow, musically uninspired, and boasting a terrible mix. Jesus Is King appears to be dividing fans even more, with some calling it a more cohesive album than ye and Pablo.To others, it's a strength that accentuates the raw, intimate mood of Kanye exploring his mental health and showcases a rare and welcome moment of honesty from an artist known for being increasingly obtuse and divisive. Whether this is a good or bad thing depends entirely on who you ask - to some, it's a weakness that renders the album low on impact and feeling unfinished and unfocused. ye is pretty divisive, in large part because it places emphasis on its minimalist, introspective direction not seen since 808s.Fortunately, the record does appear to be on the verge of being Vindicated by History, thanks to the numerous improvements made to it following the original release.

Reviews have ranged from saying it's his second best album next to MBDTF, to mid-tier, to his worst yet. The complaints don't seem to be about the quality of the songs but more so its bloated tracklist, apparent lack of construction compared to previous albums, and generally weak lyrics. Opinions of this are so varied that it's probably best to just not list them here.